“It is an interesting development.”

The General Secretary read over the latest headlines, flicking through screen after screen.

He leaned forward and called his assistant, “Get Petr Tereshchenko over here. Now.”


“Did you see this?”

“Yes, I did.”

“What do you think of your daughter’s sudden political clout?”

“It is an interesting development, Mr. Secretary.”

“I would say so. Sometimes I have to wonder what in Buddha’s name is happening in the Imperium. This isn’t to say your daughter isn’t talented or capable, Petr. Just that it seems a strange turn of events that a Companion would be named Legate. The woman has say over the entire spice trade, military action, economic development and relations…”

Petr sat and stared at the photo on the monitor, impassive and emotionless. If he had any real opinion over Calina’s sudden rise to power, he kept it to himself. “I don’t think it will change anything from our perspective. Calina is, by nature and nurture, a capitalist. Trade will continue on normally and may even expand because of her actions. As to any other legislative pursuits, that will still need to press through the Zenobians. I believe there has been some kind of shake up there which, to me, would be more concerning. You want effect representation of our interests.”

“It changes everything, Petr. Your daughter is a firebrand – the central pillar in a swirling bed of unrest in potentia with the Jadists. She is hostile to central authority and certainly hostile to the UAP given her public statements in the Laandsrat.”

“You see monsters every where. Calina has been very careful, publicly, to keep her association with the Jadists to a minimum. My son spoke to her, and he feels that her involvement is reluctant at best. She is a student of history and likely more mature than her 16 year old self who felt a need to protest. Companion Guild education does wonders for creating senses of elf-control and self-sacrifice.”

“Or she is more radical and now has the position and authority to do something about it.”

Deep Within

It was a conference room deep within the hall of Parliament. There were access points -ident scans, retinal scans, any manner of detection devices. It was probably the single most well-secured room in 34 Tauri.

Around the table sat the members of the Parliamentary Security Council and off to the side were a handful of key staffers, including the General Counsel and one former General Counsel brought in as a consultant.

The General Secretary rushed in and sat at the head of the table. “Ladies and Gentlemen. Glad you all could be here today – blah blah. General, the situation seems to be getting worse. There are more and more reports of security incidents on the rim planets and it is spilling over to the border planets. If we do not get this under control, it will be …. most unpleasant. And the situation on Araxes. We need to have more of an official presence.”

The Secretary looked to his left. There sat General Tullius Rex, Commander of the UAP military.

“General – direct the Monitor Division to take control of the Zenobian consulate on Araxes. It is time for more federal oversight. While they have proven themselves to be capable, until we have full extradition of criminals, it needs to be commanded by someone with a broader view. The states cannot manage such an undertaking. If the Zenobian Prydyn protest, remind them that their charter to run transport of spice was granted with a low-tax liability and that may be rescinded at any time. Same goes with their other transport operations.”

“Yes, Sir. I will review the officers in that division and make an appropriate selection. If there is one from Zenobia, it will make it less… problematic,” General Rex replied. He made notes on his datapad to contact the Colonel in charge of that division and ask for recommendations for an officer to oversee the transition of the Zenobian consulate to federal control.

“Good. Now, be sure that they understand that we want them to re-introduce the extradition legislation in both the Laandsrat and Beit Dawla.”

“Mr. Secretary, if I may,” a man tall with grey-black hair stood up.

“Mr. Tereshchenko. Before you give us your fine analysis of the situation, let me say that I am honored that you accepted our offer to consult. Your expertise on delicate… legalities is most appreciated. Until those traitors found Miranda, that was quite a piece of work. Health concerns and whatnot. Brilliant maneuvering and legal interpretation in the aftermath. But, we will be more careful with our other endeavors. ”

“Thank you for your praise and confidence in my work. Mr. Secretary. As I was saying, the extradition legislation failed miserably the first time. It will be important to look at the reasons why the other Great Houses did not support the measure. It may also require you to communicate – Head of State to Head of State – with either the Imperium or Magistrate Joan al-Jofar – and be prepared to offer some concessions or items that appear to be concessions. The people of Araxes are independent and do not like any external influence or control. In reading reports and transcripts of their legislative meetings, the locals prefer to either wait out the ‘offworld invasions’ or flat bribe them to go away with money and spice.”

“I would agree with my colleague, Mr. Secretary,” Daniel Xiao – the man currently serving as General Counsel stood up. “We must also apply discreet pressure to UAP citizens living and working on Araxes – reminding them that their first duty is to protect and even expand our influence.”

“Careful, Dan. The locals sound like suo-shee Browncoats. We don’t want to sound as though we are plotting a take over of the Imperium. Aggressive diplomatic relations – yes. But I do not want to engage in a full-scale war with them. It would be foolish and stupid. We need to better consider how to turn things to our advantage. Kimaya – work on a press release that outlines why we need this extradition bill. Building up popular support locally will filter through as people transact business with Araxes. It will also give our legal representatives something to work with in their legislature. Find out for certain if I need to send messages to the Magistrate. Work on them just in case and make them especially compelling.”

“Yes, Mr. Secretary,” Kimaya Liamano replied “Dahng ran.

“Onto the rim planet issue. Reports from Special Investigations Unit and anecdotal comments from the heads of security contractors indicate that there has been a spike in reaver and criminal activity out of the Burnet Quadrant. If we can extradite the wanted felons from Araxes, then they won’t make such a home in the rim. Kimaya, add that to the statements that go to the rim planets. Encourage the local population to be good citizens and report such activity to their local law enforcement officials.”

‘Yes, Mr. Secretary.”

“If I may recommend an increase of patrols, Mr. Secretary,” General Rex said.

“Good idea.”


Follow-up confidential, secured communique weeks later.

“Since Jade Moonkill was a UAP citizen, that is another angle to use to press for the extradition treaty. Surely the Magistrate will want to ship any of those criminals off-world for prosecution and punishment.”\

— OOC note: I was inspired to write this after reading Pepper’s blog post. I do not want to take credit for a story that belongs to others; only wanted to add a bit of spice and something to talk about in RP. —

Cures, Operations, and More

The press room was now full to capacity. Rumors had been circulating wildly.

There was a cure.
Parliament had authorized a secret raid.
The coup of Araxes would lead to show trials and possibly executions.
Taxes would be increased, as well as the cost of Fruity Oaty Bars.

Kimaya Liamano approached the podium and waved off the intial questions. “Permit the statements and then we will take your questions.”

“The General Secretary of the Union of Allied Planets will be submitting a formal protest to the Imperium upon the coup by the Beit Dawla and dissolution of the Laandstrat. He asked that this one statement be read – ‘Revolutions are rarely peaceful. They are bloody, prolonged conflicts that lead to oppression of the rights of citizens. While the people of Araxes may be celebrating what appears to be a victory for the people, what is to prevent the people from turning on the Beit Dawla? Araxes MUST return to the rule of law and order.”

—- reporter —-
“What of the rumors of operations sponored by the UAP?”

—- Kimaya —-
“I am not at liberty to discuss any potential or ongoing military operations. I will say that SIU is conducting an investigation into the origins of the virus. Now that the blockade has been lifted, their work may begin in earnest at the scene of this tragedy.

—- reporter —-
“What does the UAP think of the cure being distributed freely?”

—- Kimaya —-
“We are pleased to see that there are organizations and indviduals willing to temporarily set aside the profiteering venture initially associated with the manufacture, sale, and distribution of the cure. We thank x0x0 Zhangsun and Blue Sun for their leadership in this area. We also thank the Allied Medical Congress on Ariel and Surgeon’s Consortium on Osiris for their generous sponsorship of Dr. Natirra Danick in her research.”

“I would also like to mention that at this time, the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life is making strategic plans for mass production and distribution of the cure throughout 34 Tauri. This does not change our original demand for a sample of the root virus itself. As we know with science, it is ever changing and ever evolving. Because we have the cure for ‘The Black Pox’ does not mean that in pockets of our system that it may mutate due to changes in physiology and environmental conditions. We want to prepare for every eventuality to protect our citizens.”

“As to the trial, I have no futher comment at this time. Mr. Tereshchenko has heard that the prosecutor is currently conducting interviews but no trial date has been set. I will provide further updates as they are available. Thank for your time.”

Press Conference: UAP citizens arrested in Araxes

“The UAP is most distressed to learn that its citizens have been placed under arrest on Araxes by order of a member of the Beit Dawla. Jade Moonkill is also a citizen of the Alliance, and it is troubling to see what one person can do to her fellow citizens.”
-said without a hint of irony-
“We have also learned that a special prosecutor has been named by the Imperium. Recently retired General Counsel to Parliament, Petr Tereshchenko has offered his services to fully defend the rights of citizens that may be abused by alien legal practices.”
Is the reason Mr. Tereshchenko involved is because his daughter is among the accused?
“That is absurd. Mr. Tereshchenko happens to be one of the finest legal minds in the 34 Tauri system. He oversaw the prosecution of war criminals during the War for Unification, drafted many of the present legal statutes on the treatment of prisoners of war, and is an expert on interplanetary law dating from prior to Unification. He fully understands how to bring reason and justice to the people. It would be criminal to not take advantage of his offer as it may benefit not just his daughter but also several other citizens.”
What will happen to Ms. Moonkill? Are her actions treasonable under Alliance law?
“I cannot comment on any future civil or criminal action that may be taken by the UAP against Jade Moonkill.  Thank you. That is all for today.”

News Release: Infection on Al Raqis

The Offices of the Surgeon General, UAP Health Services, and the Allied Medical Congress on behalf of Parliament have issued a joint press statement condemning the actions of the Imperium and the Magistrate of Al Raqis, Joan al-Jofar.

“We find her attitude to be cold, heartless, and inhumane,” said Surgeon General Liam Xiaoshen. “At the time when this pandemic is raging through her own system and into ours to charge a usurious fee for the vaccine is tantamount to a declaration of war. We have been in close contact with our mission on Araxis, Lady Zeno Baxton and Consulari Jai Raghilda of Zenobia, to formulate a policy response as well as obtain any necessary raw materials to develop the vaccine in our own system. The AMC has been working with the Gehörnspiel Corporation on Ariel as well as Barrowclough Apothocary and the Trader’s Guild to ensure rapid production and distribution of this life-saving treatment.”


*press conference following the released statement*

Reporter: Don’t you think the rhetoric – a declaration of war – is too strong?

Kimaya: No, the Surgeon General and the Secretary General of Parliament do not. They are fully aware of the attitude that the natives of Araxis have displayed toward the people of 34 Tauri and other world. One might think that this virus, since the Desen appear to be immune, is an attack on non-native populations engineered by the Imperium. We are conducting further investigations into this theory.