The General Secretary read over the latest headlines, flicking through screen after screen.

He leaned forward and called his assistant, “Get Petr Tereshchenko over here. Now.”


“Did you see this?”

“Yes, I did.”

“What do you think of your daughter’s sudden political clout?”

“It is an interesting development, Mr. Secretary.”

“I would say so. Sometimes I have to wonder what in Buddha’s name is happening in the Imperium. This isn’t to say your daughter isn’t talented or capable, Petr. Just that it seems a strange turn of events that a Companion would be named Legate. The woman has say over the entire spice trade, military action, economic development and relations…”

Petr sat and stared at the photo on the monitor, impassive and emotionless. If he had any real opinion over Calina’s sudden rise to power, he kept it to himself. “I don’t think it will change anything from our perspective. Calina is, by nature and nurture, a capitalist. Trade will continue on normally and may even expand because of her actions. As to any other legislative pursuits, that will still need to press through the Zenobians. I believe there has been some kind of shake up there which, to me, would be more concerning. You want effect representation of our interests.”

“It changes everything, Petr. Your daughter is a firebrand – the central pillar in a swirling bed of unrest in potentia with the Jadists. She is hostile to central authority and certainly hostile to the UAP given her public statements in the Laandsrat.”

“You see monsters every where. Calina has been very careful, publicly, to keep her association with the Jadists to a minimum. My son spoke to her, and he feels that her involvement is reluctant at best. She is a student of history and likely more mature than her 16 year old self who felt a need to protest. Companion Guild education does wonders for creating senses of elf-control and self-sacrifice.”

“Or she is more radical and now has the position and authority to do something about it.”